The Burrawang School of Arts is a beautiful Federation style building in the picturesque village of Burrawang in the Southern Highlands. Dating back to 1896 the Halls have always been a meeting place for fundraising events and socialising within the village. Currently the School is used for Wedding receptions, parties, seminars and all fund raising events in Burrawang.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Southern Highlands Community Hospice Project Morning tea

On Saturday the 3rd November the Burrawang School of Arts held the monthly morning tea which this month was hosted by Guest speaker, Daphne Robertson, Project Manager for the Southern Highlands Community Hospice project. Daphne explained to attendees where the pilot shops were situated in Bowral as well as the hopes for expansion into other areas of the Highlands and Goulburn.

Daphne explained when and how the hospice will be built telling us that plans are well and truly established for building of the hospice to take place in 2013, in Bowral. This will be a community owned and operated hospice and will not be dependant upon government funding. The hospice will offer palliative care for patients near the end of life - for all ages. Covering both private health funded patients as well as those without. Donations of good quality clothing and furniture etc are welcomed to the Hospice shops in Bowral. Volunteers will always be needed to assist in the shops, for event management or for admin assistance.

Daphne answered questions put forward by the 40 odd people that attended the morning tea as well as our Mayor Julie Arkwright as well as Gareth Ward MP. Further details can be found on hospice website or by contacting the office on 02 4861 4050.