The Burrawang School of Arts is a beautiful Federation style building in the picturesque village of Burrawang in the Southern Highlands. Dating back to 1896 the Halls have always been a meeting place for fundraising events and socialising within the village. Currently the School is used for Wedding receptions, parties, seminars and all fund raising events in Burrawang.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School of Arts receives Trust Grant

Burrawang School of Arts was thrilled to be the successful recipients of the latest round of grants from the Veolia Mulwaree Trust. The funds received will go towards the heating of the hall which now has installation work commencing next week!

The Veolia Mulwaree Trust was established to manage and distribute funds from the Woodlawn Bioreactor near Tarago in Southern NSW. The Woodlawn Bioreactor is owned by Veolia Environmental Services. The objective of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust is to provide funding to any charitable purpose and on projects for the benefit of the community of the former Mulwaree Shire Council area, or a community within a Council area immediately surrounding or adjoining the former Mulwaree Shire area.

Committee Members John Symons, Beth Macdonald and Gary Johnston were responsible for lodging the application in May requesting a grant to top up years of successful fundraising and finally start installation of the ducted gas heating for the School of Arts. We were thrilled to receive the full amount of $10,000.

An afternoon tea was held in Goulburn on Tuesday the 28th August 2012 to present the 13 successful community group recipients with their grants. Paul Stephenson, the chairman of Veolia spoke to the group about how they have granted over $5 million to various community groups since it's inception providing regional towns with funds to complete projects to serve their communities.

President Simone Joseph-Kleeman and Vice President John Symons proudly recieved the cheque on Wednesday afternoon. Work will commence at the School of Arts as early as next week  - and a warmer environment for all to enjoy soon!