The theme of this year's Burrawang Ball held on the Saturday night of the June long weekend was "Winter Wonderland". The weather certainly played it's part with below zero temperatures adding to the wonderful atmosphere created by the Committee members. Sticks, woodland creatures and hundreds of fairy lights and candle lights created an amazing setting for a fabulous night of good food, wine and dancing.
There were some amazing raffle prizes on offer for guests. The highest value being $950 and the lowest $180! An auction also saw tickets to an upcoming Wallabies game as well as three amazing Jasper Knight paintings that were generously donated to the School of Arts from Gallery Ecosse in Exeter.
All funds raised on the night will go towards the heating of the Hall which should make for a more comfortable night next year!
A special thanks needs to go to the creative forces behind the ball - Brooke and Colin Munro & Kerby Allen who transformed the hall by creating amazing wood & stick sculptures and table settings. The ball committee members worked hard to prepare a great night which was enjoyed by all. Make sure you don't miss out next year on one of the highlights of the social calendar in our village!