The Burrawang School of Arts is a beautiful Federation style building in the picturesque village of Burrawang in the Southern Highlands. Dating back to 1896 the Halls have always been a meeting place for fundraising events and socialising within the village. Currently the School is used for Wedding receptions, parties, seminars and all fund raising events in Burrawang.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Village Christmas Party 2012

Last night we held the annual Christmas Party at the School of Arts for local residents to enjoy. In true Burrawang style, the mists and drizzle rolled in and the temperature dropped just in time for the start of the party.

The event is a thank you from the School of Arts committee to the village for all their continual support throughout the year at various fundraisers and events.

A delicious free dinner of local sausages and coleslaw kept everyone happy.

President of the School of Arts Simone Joseph-Kleeman welcomed guests

As did a very special performance from The Menzies family of Silent Night for everyone.

Santa made a special appearance much to the delight of all the children there. More so when they all lined up and received some lollies!

Events like these are what make our Village the special place it is - a wonderful diverse community who come together and support each other and keep traditions alive.

We would like to wish A very Merry Christmas to all residents and supporters of the Burrawang School of Arts. Thank you for all your support in 2012, we are looking forward to bringing you all another great year of events in 2013!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Southern Highlands Community Hospice Project Morning tea

On Saturday the 3rd November the Burrawang School of Arts held the monthly morning tea which this month was hosted by Guest speaker, Daphne Robertson, Project Manager for the Southern Highlands Community Hospice project. Daphne explained to attendees where the pilot shops were situated in Bowral as well as the hopes for expansion into other areas of the Highlands and Goulburn.

Daphne explained when and how the hospice will be built telling us that plans are well and truly established for building of the hospice to take place in 2013, in Bowral. This will be a community owned and operated hospice and will not be dependant upon government funding. The hospice will offer palliative care for patients near the end of life - for all ages. Covering both private health funded patients as well as those without. Donations of good quality clothing and furniture etc are welcomed to the Hospice shops in Bowral. Volunteers will always be needed to assist in the shops, for event management or for admin assistance.

Daphne answered questions put forward by the 40 odd people that attended the morning tea as well as our Mayor Julie Arkwright as well as Gareth Ward MP. Further details can be found on hospice website or by contacting the office on 02 4861 4050.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lawsons Auction - Sunday 21st October 2012

It was a beautiful Spring day for the second Auction held by Lawsons this year in the School of Arts. The Hall looked beautiful filled with all the amazing pieces that were available for purchase during the 4 hour live, on site auction.

Furniture, jewelery, artwork and other precious items were all on display for people to view from Saturday and then again on Sunday morning prior to the auction beginning at midday.

Hard working committee members of the School of Arts were there working hard to provide food and drink for auction goers - always working hard to raise money for the hall when we can!

It was a successful day for both Lawsons and all the lucky buyers who managed to pick up a few bargains throughout the afternoon. We look forward to seeing another auction again in the Hall in the new year.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Duelin Piano Show - a great success!

Well what a night!

There were 110 in attendance, ages ranging from 3 to 92 – and we were all highly entertained. From the first note to the last, one encore was not enough at the end, but then maybe 100 encores wouldn’t have been enough either!

The boys hammered out the music, Hughie Scott-Murray & Michael McGlynn on the pianos and Peter Clarke on the drums, his playing only enhancing the beat to each song played. The songs ranged from Louis Armstrong to Pink, as did their voices, which were quite awe-inspiring.  An interview article in the Southern Highlands News said it best “the boys are like a human juke-box”. 

Not only could they play, but they also stirred up lots of friendly rivalry across the audience – calling for people from one side of the room to the other to out sing one another, then for the men versus the women, high and low went the tunes. 

A question asked “should they come back?” created a rousing roar of “yes” from the audience and the boys said they’d love to. So, watch out for future announcements - they'll be back next year - if you weren’t there this time, you won’t want to miss out next time!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Upcoming Event: The Duelin' Piano Show Saturday 6th Oct 2012

We have another fabulous event coming to the School of Arts on Saturday 6th October 2012 at 5pm - the Duelin' Piano Show!

It's been a growing phenomenon over about three years. The show engages from the first note as pianists Hughie Scott-Murray and Michael McGlynn take their places either side of former Keith Urban drummer Peter Clarke. Not only is the playing note perfect, the singing from both Michael and Hughie is superb and the drumming amazing. Michael's strength as a vocalist is truly dazzling and his piano skills are similarly incredible.

There is no set list but a book containing 380 song titles, slips of paper for punters to write their requests on and a whole lot of musical expertise. Short of death metal, doof and opera, just about every genre is covered. Hughie says it is the most fun - borne largely from the shows contagious spontaneity.

Hughie first stumbled across the duelling piano concept at O'Brien's Bar in New Orleans in 2000 where it had been rolling almost nightly since he 1940's. Hughie says it's the most fun - borne largely from the shows contagious spontaneity. He said he loves the idea of breathing life back into the old country halls and getting small communities to party with the help of some fine music.

Saturday 6th October 2012
Burrawang School of Arts (35 Hoddle Street Burrawang)
Tickets: $30 adults & $15 children
BYO: Snacks & Drinks

Tickets can be purchased online here or Cath Ward on 0405 151 651. Make sure you make a booking at the Pub or The General Store for dinner afterwards.

We hope to see you there for what should be another fabulous night in the Hall!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School of Arts receives Trust Grant

Burrawang School of Arts was thrilled to be the successful recipients of the latest round of grants from the Veolia Mulwaree Trust. The funds received will go towards the heating of the hall which now has installation work commencing next week!

The Veolia Mulwaree Trust was established to manage and distribute funds from the Woodlawn Bioreactor near Tarago in Southern NSW. The Woodlawn Bioreactor is owned by Veolia Environmental Services. The objective of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust is to provide funding to any charitable purpose and on projects for the benefit of the community of the former Mulwaree Shire Council area, or a community within a Council area immediately surrounding or adjoining the former Mulwaree Shire area.

Committee Members John Symons, Beth Macdonald and Gary Johnston were responsible for lodging the application in May requesting a grant to top up years of successful fundraising and finally start installation of the ducted gas heating for the School of Arts. We were thrilled to receive the full amount of $10,000.

An afternoon tea was held in Goulburn on Tuesday the 28th August 2012 to present the 13 successful community group recipients with their grants. Paul Stephenson, the chairman of Veolia spoke to the group about how they have granted over $5 million to various community groups since it's inception providing regional towns with funds to complete projects to serve their communities.

President Simone Joseph-Kleeman and Vice President John Symons proudly recieved the cheque on Wednesday afternoon. Work will commence at the School of Arts as early as next week  - and a warmer environment for all to enjoy soon!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Winter Wonderland Ball June 2012

The theme of this year's Burrawang Ball held on the Saturday night of the June long weekend was "Winter Wonderland". The weather certainly played it's part with below zero temperatures adding to the wonderful atmosphere created by the Committee members. Sticks, woodland creatures and hundreds of fairy lights and candle lights created an amazing setting for a fabulous night of good food, wine and dancing.

There were some amazing raffle prizes on offer for guests. The highest value being $950 and the lowest $180! An auction also saw tickets to an upcoming Wallabies game as well as three amazing Jasper Knight paintings that were generously donated to the School of Arts from Gallery Ecosse in Exeter.

All funds raised on the night will go towards the heating of the Hall which should make for a more comfortable night next year!

A special thanks needs to go to the creative forces behind the ball - Brooke and Colin Munro & Kerby Allen who transformed the hall by creating amazing wood & stick sculptures and table settings. The ball committee members worked hard to prepare a great night which was enjoyed by all. Make sure you don't miss out next year on one of the highlights of the social calendar in our village!